Kamis, 15 November 2012

Program Studi

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Diploma 3
  • Akademi Sekretari
  • D3 Unggulan FTI 

Program Khusus
  • Executive Class
  • Internasional Class
  • Jakarta Broadcasting Scool
  • Budi Luhur Learning Centre

  • Fakultas Ekonomi
  • Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi
  • Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
  • Fakultas Teknik
  • Fakultas Teknologi
  • Informasi

Starta 2
  • Magister Akutansi
  • Magister Ilmu Komputet
  • Magister Manajemen
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Struktur Organisasi

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Struktur Organisasi Struktur organisasi Universitas Budi Luhur dirancang secara spesifik, terutama untuk dapat mendukung Visi dan Misi yang telah dicanangkan.
Organisasi Universitas Budi Luhur terdiri dari:
  • Unsur Pimpinan (Rektorat)
  • Unsur Pelaksana Akademik (Fakultas)
  • Unsur Pelaksana Administrasi (Biro)
  • Unsur Penunjang

Unsur Pimpinan (Rektorat)
Universitas Budi Luhur dipimpin oleh seorang Rektor dan dibantu Rektor II serta beberapa deputi, yaitu:
  • Rektor : Prof. Dr. TB. Ronny Rahman Nitibaskara
  • Rektor II : Dr. M. Hartun Sunjata, M. Sc
  • Deputi Rektor I : Drs. Soeroso, M. Sc
  • Deputi Rektor II : Dra. Ririt Roeswidiah
  • Deputi Rektor III : Ir. Hari Soetanto, M. Sc
  • Direktur Bidang Akademik : Ir. Bullion Dragon Andah, M. Sc
  • Direktur Bidang Kemahasiswaan, Karir & Alumni : Deni Mahdiana, MM, M. Kom
  • Direktur Lembaga Penjamin Mutu : Drs. Eko Polosoro, M. Eng, MM
  • Direktur Lembaga Riset & PPM : Dr. Ir. Nazori AZ, MT
  • Direktur Bidang Promosi dan Kerjasama : Bruri Trya Sartana, MM, M. Kom
  • Direktur Bidang Teknologi Informasi : Utomo Budiyanto, M. Kom, M. Sc
  • Direktur Administrasi Keuangan : Suryanto, S. Kom, MM

Unsur Pelaksana Akademik (Fakultas)
  • Fakultas Teknologi Informasi
    • Dekan Fakultas Teknologi Informasi : Goenawan Brotosaputro, S. Kom, M. Sc
    • Wakil Dekan Fakultas Teknologi Informasi : Mardi Hardjianto, M. Kom
    • Ketua Program Studi Teknik Informatika : M. Ainur Rony, MTI
    • Sekretaris Prodi Teknik Informatika : Achmad Solichin, MTI
    • Ketua Program Studi Sistem Informasi : Hendri Irawan, MTI
    • Sekretaris Prodi Sistem Informasi : Anita Diana, M. Kom
    • Ketua Program Studi Sistem Komputer : Yani Prabowo, S. Kom, M. Si
    • Ketua Program Studi Diploma 3 Unggulan : Joko Christian, M. Kom
  • Fakultas Ekonomi
    • Dekan Fakultas Ekonomi : Ir. Ratnaningsih AW, MBA
    • Ketua Program Studi Manajemen : Pambuko Naryoto, SE, MM
    • Ketua Program Studi Akuntansi : Dicky Arisudhana, SE, MM
  • Fakultas Teknik
    • Dekan Fakultas Teknik : Sujono, MT
    • Ketua Program Studi Arsitektur : Putri Suryandari, ST, M. Ars
    • Ketua Program Studi Elektro : Rummi Santi Rama Sirait, MT
  • Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
    • Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Sosial & Ilmu Politik : Rusdiyanta, S. IP, M. Si
    • Ketua Program Studi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional : Yusran, M. Si
  • Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi
    • Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi : Dra. Liza Dwi Ratna Dewi, M. Si
    • Ketua Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi : Rocky Prasetyo Jati, M. Si
    • Sekretaris Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi : Imelda, M. Kom
  • Program Pascasarjana
    • Direktur Program Pascasarjana Teknologi Informasi : Dr. Moedjiono, M. Sc
    • Kaprodi Magister Komputer : Dr. Ir. Nazori AZ, MT
    • Kaprodi Magister Manajemen : Dr. Setyani Dwi Lestari, ME
    • Kaprodi Magister Akuntansi : Dr. Sugeng Riyadi, Ak., M. Si
    • Sekretaris Program Pascasarjana : Rusdah, M. Kom

Unsur Pelaksana Administrasi (Biro)
  • Ka. Biro Pelayanan Administrasi Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan : Joko Sutrisno, M. Kom
  • Ka. Biro Sistem Informasi : Gandung Triyono, M. Kom
  • Ka. Biro Keuangan : Widodo MS, S. Kom
  • Ka. Biro Umum dan SDM : Dra. Ririt Roeswidiah
  • Ka. Biro Riset & Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat : Ir. Yan Everhard, MT
  • Ka. Biro Penjamin Mutu : Dra. Dwi Achadiani, M. Kom
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Visi dan Misi

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Menjadi Universitas unggulan di Indonesia berbasis teknologi Informasi dan komunikasi untuk mencapai standar mutu tertinggi pada tahun 2020 yang menghasilkan lulusan cerdas berbudi luhur


  1. Menyelenggarakan pendidikan berbasis kompetensi untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang unggul dan mampu bersaing di Indonesia.
  2. Memfasilitasi dan memotivasi sivitas akademika untuk dapat memiliki hak atas kekayaan intelektual sebagai aktualitas pencapaian mutu penelitian.
  3. Melakukan kegiatan yang bermanfaat bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat luas sebagai bentuk nyata kepedulian universitas.
  4. Menyelenggarakan kerjasama dengan institusi pemerintah maupun swasta dengan prinsip kesetaraan.
  5. Menyelenggarakan perguruan tinggi dengan akuntabilitas, kemandirian dan tata kelola berbasis sistem mutu.
  6. Mewujudkan manajemen akademik yang mampu meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi dan kualitas hidup seluruh sivitas akademika.
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Minggu, 11 November 2012


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     Cerdas dan berbudi luhur merupakan dua hal yang terpadu yang tidak terpisahkan, karena kecerdasan tanpa dilandasi budi yang luhur akan cenderung digunakan untuk membodohi dan mencelakakan orang lain, sebaliknya budi luhur tanpa diimbangi kecerdasan akan merupakan sasaran kejahatan dan penindasan dari orang lain.
     Untuk mendidik tenaga trampil yang cerdas dan berbudi Luhur itu, maka pada tanggal 1 April 1979 didirikan Akademi Ilmu Komputer (AIK) Budi Luhur di Jakarta, beralamat di Jl. Budi Utomo No. 11 Jakarta Pusat. Akademi ini bertujuan menghasilkan tenaga-tenaga trampil atau professional di bidang komputer guna memenuhi kebutuhan pembangunan nasional.
     Setelah dua tahun diperjuangkan, pada tanggal 11 Agustus 1981 AIK Budi Luhur mendapatkan izin operasional dari pemerintah. Dalam surat izin operasional itu, pemerintah mengubah nama AIK Budi Luhur menjadi Akademi Pengetahuan Komputer (APK) Budi Luhur. Nama ini digunakan, ketika pada tanggal 5 Januari 1983 berdasarkan keputusan Mendikbud No. 018/O/1983 APK Budi Luhur mendapat status terdaftar. Dengan status terdaftar yang dimiliki, APK Budi Luhur berhasil menyelenggarakan ujian sarjana muda komputer dengan dosen penguji dari ITB. Dalam ujian negara itu APK Budi Luhur meluluskan sarjana-sarjana muda komputer pertama di Indonesia.
     Berkenaan dengan siapnya pembangunan kampus tahap pertama (dengan dua unit gedung berlantai dua), maka pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1985 APK Budi Luhur pindah dari Jl. Budi Utomo No. 11 ke jalan Cileduk Raya, Pertukangan Utara, Kebayoran Lama.
     Dengan makin mantapnya penyelenggaraan pendidikan di APK Budi Luhur, dan makin besarnya minat dan kebutuhan keahlian di bidang komputer, maka Yayasan Pendidikan Budi Luhur pada bulan Agustus 1985 mendirikan Akademi Teknik Elektro Komputer (ATEK) Budi Luhur dan Akademi Akuntansi Komputer (AAK) Budi Luhur. Tujuan berdirinya ATEK Budi Luhur adalah menyiapkan tenaga-tenaga yang mampu memegang jabatan dan tugas-tugas yang memerlukan pengetahuan teknik elektro komputer, sedangkan AAK Budi Luhur bertujuan menyiapkan tenaga-tenaga yang mampu memegang jabatan dan tugas-tugas yang memerlukan pengetahuan akuntansi dan komputer.
     Dengan kemajuan-kemajuan yang dicapai oleh APK Budi Luhur, Pemerintah memberikan kenaikan status (akreditasi) dari terdaftar menjadi diakui berdasarkan Keputusan Mendikbud No. 0355/I/1986 tanggal 13 Mei 1986. Pemberian status diakui itu mengakibatkan bergantinya nama APK Budi Luhur menjadi Akademik Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer (AMIK) Budi Luhur.
Sejalan dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan dan perhatian masyarakat terhadap ilmu komputer (computer science), serta makin meningkatnya permintaan sarjana muda komputer untuk melanjutkan ke jenjang Strata-1 (S1) didirikan Sekolah Tinggi Pengetahuan Komputer (STPK) Budi Luhur di semester genap tahun akademik 1985-1986.
     Dengan makin mantapnya STPK Budi Luhur dan dengan didorong oleh semua pihak, di tahun 1986 Yayasan Pendidikan Budi Luhur mendirikan Sekolah Tinggi Elektro Komputer (STEK) Budi Luhur dan Sekolah Tinggi Akuntasi Komputer (STAK) Budi Luhur untuk menyelenggarakan program strata satu (S1) di bidangnya masing-masing.
     Di awal tahun 1987, Yayasan Pendidikan Budi Luhur merasa perlu untuk menyederhanakan kelembagaan perguruan tinggi dilingkungannya (STPK, STEK, dan STAK Budi Luhur) ke dalam suatu wadah. Maka berdasarkan Keputusan Mendikbud nomor 0720/I/1987, STPK, STEK, dan STAK Budi Luhur diintegrasikan ke dalam Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer (STMIK) Budi Luhur dengan jurusan dan program studi sebagai berikut :

1. Jurusan Manajemen Informatika, dengan program studi :
a. Manajemen Informatika (D-III Diakui dan S-1 Terdaftar)
b. Komputerisasi Akuntansi (D-III dan S1 Terdaftar).

2. Jurusan Teknik Informatika dengan program studi Teknik Informatika (S-1 Terdaftar).
Jurusan Teknik Komputer, dengan program studi Teknik Komputer (D III dan S-1 Terdaftar).
     Didorong oleh keinginan untuk meningkatkan pelayanan kepada mahasiswa Komputerisasi Akuntansi yang makin bertambah, berdasarkan Keputusan Ketua Yayasan Pendidikan Budi Luhur Nomor 343/KBYL/XI/1989 tanggal 30 November 1989, program studi komputerisasi akuntansi pada jurusan Manajemen Informatika ditingkatkan menjadi jurusan Komputerisasi Akuntansi.
     Dalam upaya diversifikasi usaha, dan sehubungan dengan selesainya pembangunan gedung Unit III dan IV, pada tanggal 1 April 1997 Yayasan Pendidikan Budi Luhur mendirikan Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi (STIE) Budi Luhur. Dan setahun kemudian setelah selesai membangun gedung Unit V, pada tanggal 1 April 1998 didirikan Sekolah Tinggi Teknik (STT) Budi Luhur. Dan kemudian pada tanggal 1 April 1999 Sekolah Tinggi Teknik (STT) Budi Luhur didirikan setelah gedung Unit VI selesai dibangun, Dalam rangka efisiensi, empat sekolah tinggi (STMIK, STIE, STISIP, STT) sesuai dengan Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional 144/D/0/2002 tanggal 7 Juni 2002 diintegrasikan menjadi Universitas Budi Luhur.
     Globalisasi dan krisis yang berkepanjangan memberikan dampak dalam persaingan tenaga kerja profesional yang semakin ketat. Untuk itu kita perlu membekali diri dengan kemampuan akademis maupun praktis agar menjadi tenaga kerja yang tangguh yang terus dapat bertahan dalam persaingan, khususnya dalam meningkatkan karier.
     Untuk itu Universitas Budi Luhur membuka kesempatan untuk dapat menambah pengetahuan dalam bidang Teknologi Informasi, Ekonomi, Sosial Politik, Komunikasi dan Teknik yang pada saat ini masih merupakan pilihan teratas dalam peningkatan karier.
Persaingan bebas dan ketat di dunia pendidikan, perkembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (ICT) dan peningkatan pengetahuan konsumen mendorong kami melakukan peningkatan kualitas dan kepuasan layanan terbukti dengan didapatkannya sertifikasi sistem penjaminan mutu internasional ISO 9001:2000.
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Selasa, 02 Oktober 2012

Folk Dance

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Indonesian dance show social complexity and social levels of society coating, which also shows the social class and the degree of smoothness. Based protectors and supporters, folk dance is a dance that is developed and supported by many people, both in rural and urban areas. Compared to the dance palace (palace) developed and protected by the court, the Indonesian people dance more dynamic, energetic, and relatively free from the strict rules and discipline specific, though some styles of movement or posture characteristic often retained. Dance people pay more attention to the function of entertainment and social interaction rather than ritual function.


Dance Jaipongan Ronggeng and Sundanese dance is a good example of the folk dance tradition. Both are social dance that is more entertainment. Often featured dance movements that are considered less appropriate when viewed from the perspective of court dance, folk dance result is often misunderstood too erotic or too rough in the standard of the palace. Despite these dances still thrive in the tradition of the people of Indonesia because it is supported by the community. Some of the traditional folk dance has developed into a mass dance with simple movements in order, such as Poco-poco dance from Minahasa North Sulawesi, and dance Sajojo of Papua

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Palace Dance

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Dance in Indonesia reflects the long history of Indonesia. Some noble families; various castles and palaces that still survive in various parts of Indonesia, and conservationists be a bastion of culture palaces. The most obvious difference between the palace dances with folk dance tradition appears in Javanese dance. Javanese strata are layered and multilevel reflected in its culture. If the nobility class pay more attention to subtlety, elements of spirituality, nobility, and keadiluhungan; most people pay more attention to entertainment and social elements of the dance. As a result of more stringent palace dances and has a set of rules and discipline are maintained from generation to generation, while people dance more freely, and open up a variety of influences.

 Protection of the royal palace of art and culture generally encouraged by the royal institution as guardians and protectors of their tradition. For example, the Sultan and the Sunan of Kraton Yogyakarta and Surakarta Palace known as the creator of a variety of dance palace complete with a dance accompanist gamelan composition. The dance palace is also present in the court tradition of Bali and Malay, which usually Java-like-also emphasizes the subtlety, the glory and prestige. Dances such as the former Palace of the Sultanate of Aceh Sumatra, Sultanate of Deli in North Sumatra, Riau Malay Sultanate and the Sultanate of Palembang in South Sumatra is more influenced by Islamic culture, while Java and Bali will thicker Hindu-Buddhist cultural heritage
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Religion Samawi

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The three major religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, are often classified as Abrahamic religions or religious Samawi. All three religions have the same number of traditions, but also fundamental differences in the core teachings. All three have great influence in human culture around the world.

Jewish is a religion, which is otherwise called as the first, is a monotheistic religion and one of the oldest religions still exist today. There are values ​​and history of the Jews is also referenced in the other Abrahamic religions, such as Christianity and Islam. Currently, Jews numbered more than 13 million people.

Christian (Protestant and Catholic) is a religion that much changed the face of European culture in the last 1,700 years. Thought modern philosophers were much affected by the kind of Christian philosophers St. Thomas Aquinas and Erasmus. It is now estimated there are between 1.5 s.d. 2.1 billion Christians in the world.

Islamic values ​​and religious norms that many cultures influence the Middle East and North Africa, and parts of Southeast Asia. Currently there are more than 1.5 billion Muslims in the world.
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Tropical Rain Forest

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Tropical rain forest, or often written as a tropical rain forest is a forest biome that is always wet or damp, which can be found in the region around the equator; ie approximately at latitude 0 ° -10 ° to the north and south of the equator. These forests are found in Asia, Australia, Africa, South America, Central America, Mexico and the Pacific Islands. In terms of English, forest formations are known as Lowland equatorial evergreen rainforest, tropical rainforest Lowland evergreen or briefly called a tropical rainforest.

 Berkas:Amazon Rainforest-bird site.jpg

 Tropical rain forests are home to half the species of flora and fauna in the world. Tropical rainforests are also dubbed as the "world's largest pharmacy" because nearly one quarter of modern medicines come from plants in the rainforest.
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Mangrove Forests

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Mangrove forests also called mangrove forest is a forest that grows in the aqueous brackish marshes located on the shoreline and is influenced by tidal water. This forest is growing especially in places where there is siltation and accumulation of organic matter. Both in bays protected from the onslaught of the waves, and around the mouth of the river where the water slows down and precipitate sludge brought from upstream.

Mangrove ecosystem is unique, both because of siltation resulting in lack of soil aeration; high soil salinity, as well as experiencing cycles of tidal inundation by sea water. Only a few species of plants that survive in such a place, and other types are mostly typical of mangrove forests having gone through the process of adaptation and evolution
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Mount Kerinci

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Mount Kerinci (also spelled "Kerintji", and is known as the Mountain Tower, Volcano Kurinci, Kerinchi, Korinci, or Peak Indrapura) adalahgunung highest in Sumatra, Indonesia and the highest peak outside of Papua. Mount Kerinci located in Bukit Barisan Mountains, near the west coast, and is located approximately 130 km south of Padang. The mountain is surrounded by dense forests of Kerinci Seblat National Park and is the habitat of Sumatran tigers and rhinos sumatra.Kerinci still active and last erupted in 2009.
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Mount Batur

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Mount Batur is an active volcano in the district of Kintamani, Bangli Regency, Bali, Indonesia. Located in the northwest of Mount Agung, the mountain has a caldera measuring 13.8 x 10 km and is one of the largest and most beautiful in the world (van Bemmelen, 1949). Caldera ridge height ranges from 1267 m - 2152 m (peak G. Abang). I formed inside the caldera caldera II shaped circular with a diameter of approximately 7 km. Basic caldera II lies between 120-300 m lower than the railroad Kintamani (basic Caldera I). In the caldera there is a crescent-shaped lake that occupies the southeastern part of the length of about 7.5 km, a maximum width of 2.5 km, circumference about 22 km and an area of ​​about 16 km2, which is called Lake Batur. Mount Batur Caldera eruption thought to have formed by two large, 29 300 and 20 150 years ago.
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Mount Rinjani

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Mount Rinjani is a mountain located on the island of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. Mountain which is the second highest volcano in Indonesia with an altitude of 3726 m above sea level is a favorite for mountain climbers Indonesia for its beautiful scenery. This mountain is part of Mount Rinjani National Park has an area of ​​approximately 41,330 ha and proposed the addition so that it will be 76 000 ha to the west and east
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Baruttung Falls

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Baruttung Falls is a waterfall located in the hamlet Pao, Bana Village, District Bontocani, Bone regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. [1] The falls are located in south Bone County, 15 kilometers from the district capital Bontocani, has a height of 100 meters. The waterfall is equipped with a natural pond with an area of ​​10 meter2 and depth of 1 to 4 meters. This waterfall is upstream of the river which is a sign Tangka natural boundary between the districts of Bone Sinjai.
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Sedudo Falls

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Sedudo Falls is a waterfall and tourist attraction located in the Village District Ngliman Sawahan, Nganjuk, East Java. The distance is about 30 km south of the district capital Nganjuk. Located at an altitude of 1438 meters above sea level, the height of the waterfall is about 105 meters. This tourist spot has good facilities, and transport are easily accessible.

Local people still believe, in the waterfall has supernatural power. This natural tourist sites visited by people in Sura (Javanese calendar). It is said that the myths that exist since the time of Majapahit, the moon was believed to bring blessings to the young people who bathe in the waterfall.

Every New Year Java, waterfalls Sedudo used for ritual ceremonies, the ritual bathing the statue in Parna Prahista, which is then sprinkled the remaining water to bless it for family safety and youth. Until now the district government Nganjuk routinely perform ritual bath Sedudo every 1st Suro.
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Sanur Beach

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Sanur Beach is one attraction that is often used as a vacation destination for locals and tourists domestic or foreign countries. In Sanur Beach we will see many people bathing in Sanur beach because the current calm and the waves are not too big.
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Batak Culture

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Batak kingdom was founded by a monarch in a country-precepts Toba silahi (silalahi) lua 'Baligi (Luat Balige), Parsoluhan village, tribe Pohan. The king in question is King Miracle called Alang Pardoksi (Pardosi). The heyday of the empire led by the Batak king named. Sultan Maharaja in 1054 Hijri Bongsu managed to prosper the country with different political policies
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Betawi Culture

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 Betawi tribe consists of several ethnic groups joined in one area to form their own culture which Betawi culture. Betawi tribe comes from the mating-mawin ethnic and nation in the past. Biologically speaking, those who claim to be descendants of the Betawi people are of mixed blood of various tribes and nations who were invited by the Netherlands to Batavia. What is called a people or tribe actually countless newcomers Betawi in Jakarta. Ethnic group was born out of a combination of various other ethnic groups who had already been living in Jakarta, such as Sundanese, Javanese, Arab, Bali, Sumbawa, Ambon, Malay and Chinese. With the increasingly diverse ethnic Betawi, each typically affects every ethnic Betawi ethnic celebrations. As culture ignition fireworks, Lenong, Cokek, to Betawi wedding attire that dominated traditional red, it's all influenced strongly by cultural influence Tionghoa.Kemudian Arabs harp music in color and Tanjidor marawis music. Tanjidor itself is a blend of European culture, Chinese, Malay and Arabic. While in the village is famous for its cultural monument keroncong that rise from Portugis.Salah a typical music of the most famous Betawi arts are xylophone Kromong, where at every opportunity about Betawi, xylophone Kromong always be the most important. Almost every news that aired on television, xylophone Kromong always been a musical illustration.

and many other anrata Betawi culture:
- Lenong
- Ondel-ondel
- Dance Japin
- Tari Betawi Cokek
- Mask Dance betawi
- Dance Lenggang Nyai
- Xylophone Kromong
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